
It’s the first week of January, and resolutions are in the air. Everyone I know has complained about the number of cookies, pies and cakes they ate from November 25th to December 25th. At the local Y where I work out the classes were packed and the treadmills were all taken.

Every magazine I’ve read this week has talked about the importance of reachable goals, making lists of those goals, and getting there in small increments. This is good advice. Whether you’re trying to run a marathon (I’m hoping to run two this year, one in the spring and one in the fall) or trying to write a book (again, hoping for two this year, if I can manage my time a little better), you can’t do it all in one big leap. Little steps will get you there if you’re willing to see it through.

In reading news…I’m starting Rick Riordan’s “The Lost Hero” tonight. I loved the Percy Jackson series and have high hopes for the new adventures at Camp Half-Blood.

ChristinaHenry.Net is live!

Welcome to! Check back here often for updates on my work.

Here’s a short preview of Black Wings:

“Can I help you?” a voice murmured behind me.
I was pretty out of it, and Gabriel’s voice made me jump
about three feet in the air—from my knees, no less. I did a
kind of jerky half turn and fell to my left side, landing on my
elbow so I wouldn’t squash Beezle while keeping him out of
Gabriel’s sight. The impact reverberated through every hurt
muscle and bone in my body, and I gritted my teeth as I glared
up at him.
“Knock much?” I said.
“The door was open,” he said, gesturing down the stairs.
He stood in the doorway, looking just as cool and dark and
beautiful as he had the day before. He wore the same expensive
coat and shoes, and the slightest of creases appeared
between his eyebrows as he frowned down at me. “May I ask
what happened to you?”
Oh, a giant freaking demon was just here trying to take my
heart and bring it back to his master. No big . .

You can read the first chapter of Black Wings here
