It’s BLACK NIGHT release week!

It’s release week, and I’ve got a week’s worth of great events coming up! Once the links for the events are finalized I’ll post them on my Facebook fan page. In the meantime, here’s my schedule:

Tuesday July 26th – Deadly Destinations event hosted by All Things Urban Fantasy/Dark Faerie Tales

Wednesday July 27th – Guest blog post and book giveaway at Book Lovers Inc

Friday July 29th – Guest blog post and book giveaway at Manic Readers

Saturday July 30th – Interview and book giveaway at Sara’s Urban Fantasy Blog

Sunday July 31st – Interview and book giveaway at Amberkatze’s Book Blog

Be sure to stop by!

Facebook page update

Just wanted to let everyone know that from now on I’m going to keep my Christina Henry personal page and my fan page separate.

I’m de-friending anyone from my personal page that’s not a personal friend or family – no offense, please! I just want to keep the two “identities” separate.

As long as you’re on my fan page at you can keep up with me.

Thanks so much for your understanding!