My C2E2 schedule!

Will you be at C2E2 on Sunday, April 23rd? I will! Come check out my panel with Danielle Paige, Ashley Poston, Tricia Levenseller, Gene Ha, and Brittany Cavallaro! I also might have some early LOST BOY copies to give away, so be sure to stop by the signing table afterwards.

Panel details:

Tale as Old As Time (The Remix): Rebooting Classic Fairytales

April 23rd 10:45-11:45

Room S402

You may think you know what really happened to Dorothy, Cinderella, and Alice but you have no idea. Come hear from the authors that are remixing your favorite fairytales (aka – tales as old as time) and adding the twists and turns that keep you turning page after page!


April 23rd 12:00-1:00pm

Autographing Table 25